Führs&Fröhling-live 1979

Kultursommer Oldenburg







Führs&Fröhling backstage


Gerhard Führs

  Heinz Fröhling 




Führs & Fröhling live 1980


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 Führs & Fröhling LIVE


During the 70's  Führs Fröhling released three LP s (Ammerland, Strings, Diary) on the BRAIN-Label. This Live-Concert presents their best tracks as well as six never released tracks: Allmande, Dowland, Stormy sun, Medita, Leise rieselt der Schnee, Radio-performance.

Special thanks to Giesbert and Werner J.E. Ahrens, who recorded the tracks during the concert in Edewecht with a „ Grundig TK 845 and Stereo- Mikrophon“ .

 1 Allemande (F&F) 3:06

2 Ammerland (Fröhling) 3:41

3 Morning bird (Fröhling) 4:52

4 Dowland  (F&F) 2:24

5 Everyland tells a story (F&F) 4:38

6 Circles of live (Fröhling) 4:22

7 Dance of the leaves (Fröhling) 3:23

8 Strings (Fröhling) 2:33

9 Open valley (Führs) 6:59

10 Stormy sun (Fröhling) 6:01

11 Streetdance (Fröhling) 3:36

12 Medita (Fröhling) 2:41

13 Roundabout (Fröhling) 3:07

14 Leise rieselt der Schnee (F&F) 2:11

15 Happiness (Fröhling) 3:28

16 Radio performance (F&F) 5:09